#starefotografie #obliczawojny

Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

The photo is taken during the division training at Neuhammer. The romantic notions that Himmler had about the Bosnian Muslims were probably significant in the division’s genesis. He was personally fascinated by the Islamic faith and believed that Islam created fearless soldiers. He envisioned the creation of a Bosnian SS division constituted solely of Bosnian Muslims in a manner similar to the Bosnian divisions of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar was a Muslim combat formation created by the Germans to restore order in Yugoslavia.

kissandfly - #starefotografie #obliczawojny

 Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th d...

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