The reason, of course, is not actual magic, but the effect your optimism has on the people around you. People want to hire you, or to help you, or to work for you, because big thinkers are very rare and it’s exciting to be around one. The guaranteed key to a happy (and rich) life is to have an easy time working with other people. With this confidence, you don’t have
Największa zaleta przejścia na wczesną emeryturę: nie musisz sprzedawać godzin swojego życia aby przetrwać materialnie.

Everything is worry free, because I know there’s enough, and the very feeling of knowing that I have enough warms my heart and soul every single day. It is a feeling of liberation and freedom and a glider that keeps me soaring high above the bullshit of worry or having to sell out my free time for

UBI bezwarunkowo dostaniesz i ty, i menel pod biedronką.

Ogarnąć sobie wcześniejszą emeryturę poprzez oszczędzanie to trzeba najpierw zainwestować w pracę umysłową, a potem trzymać się planu.

UBI będzie finansowane przez obywateli - czy stać nas na 2000 netto miesięcznie dla każdego dorosłego, skoro 500+ tak bardzo nas obciąża?

Czy ludzie będą mieć powód aby pracować, skoro wystarcza na konsumpcje? Trzeba będzie zacząć płacić pracownikom nie 2500, ale 3000 i

Tak ale kto zachowa kontrolę nad środkami produkcji? Oczywiście system - i tutaj dochodzimy do problemu "co jeżeli system zacznie sobie rościć prawo do wychowywania ciebie i twoich dzieci" ?

Jeżeli nie mamy czegoś takiego jak "własne wartości" to ofc UBI to świetny i bezpieczny pomysł, ale życie to coś więcej niż

pieniądze na konsumpcję

Przecież zamiast jakiegoś UBi, mógłbym równie dobrze mieć zautomatyzowaną farmę, która dostarczałaby mi żywności, energię
Will a box of eggs cost $6.00 a dozen when you’re 65, or will it be closer to $60? So how can we possibly know how much money we will need to live on in retirement?

The Safe Withdrawal Rate is the maximum rate at which you can spend your retirement savings, such that you don’t run out in your lifetime.

If you happened to retire in 1921 on a mostly-stock
Aldi is short for Albrecht Discount and belongs/belonged to two brothers from my hometown. They split up the company between them and defined spheres of influence: Aldi North and Aldi South.
The business model is extreme frugality: eliminate all unnecessary vier, buy in bulk. No luxuries. Example: Somewhen in the 1990s, Germany changed postal codes (e.G. 4500 Essen 1 became 45130 Essen).
I like to think of it as a little algorithm:
– if a food is overpriced, buy zero or the minimum possible amount you can live with
– if a food is regular price, buy an amount to last until your next grocery trip (minimum 1 week supply)
– if a food is underpriced, buy at least enough to last until the next expected sale at this level (4 weeks?)
– if
Podajecie tylko te 2 pierwsze (income roczny + wydatki roczze) i wam wylicza resztę
If you are spending 100% (or more) of your income, you will never be prepared to retire, unless someone else is doing the saving for you (wealthy parents, social security, pension fund, etc.). So your work career will be Infinite.

If you are spending 0% of your income (you live for free somehow), and can maintain
Pobierz Phallusimpudicus - Podajecie tylko te 2 pierwsze (income roczny + wydatki roczze) i w...
źródło: comment_1614452656emkQeOSIDOzKU0HYKUdzOD.jpg
To start with the basics – What is a stock?

It’s a slice of a company that you truly own. When you own a share, you have the right (but not obligation) to attend the shareholder’s meeting for that company, vote on important company decisions, and you have a right to a share of any future earnings that company makes. This share of earnings is called a Dividend.

In some companies, especially