18+ nsfw

Zawiera treści 18+

Ta treść została oznaczona jako materiał kontrowersyjny lub dla dorosłych.

18+ nsfw

Zawiera treści 18+

Ta treść została oznaczona jako materiał kontrowersyjny lub dla dorosłych.

Samaris - Góða tungl

Samaris is an unconventional combination. Its a band that consists of a clarinet player (Áslaug Rún Magnúsdóttir), a singer (Jófríður Ákadóttir) and an electronic musician (Þórður Kári Steinþórsson). Together they play downtempo electronica/triphop. Their sound is filled with space, atmosphere and maybe even a little melancholia.

The band was formed in January 2011 and only a few months later they won the Music Experiments (the icelandic 'battle of
parachutes - Samaris - Góða tungl

Samaris is an unconventional combination. Its a b...
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