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to suffuse - oblać [literary; (especially of a color, light, or feeling) to spread all over or through someone or something]
The room was suffused with a soft golden light.
to nuzzle - trącać nosem [to touch, rub, or press something or someone gently and/or in a way that shows your love, especially with the head or nose, usually with small repeated movements]
My dog
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to suffuse - oblać [literary; (especially o...

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to fetter - krępować, spętać [literary; to restrict someone's freedom to do what they want; to put chains around a prisoner's feet]
He felt fettered by a nine-to-five office existence.
to revile - lżyć, zwymyślać [formal; to criticize someone or something in a way that shows how much you dislike them]
The judge was reviled in the newspapers for his opinions on rape.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to fetter - krępować, spętać [literary; to ...

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merrymaking - zabawa [literary; the act of celebrating and having an enjoyable time]
The eating, drinking, and merrymaking went on late into the night.
insoluble - nierozwiązywalny (lub nierozpuszczalny) [(of a problem) so difficult that it is impossible to solve; (of a substance) impossible to dissolve]
Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.
benighted - nieoświecony [literary; without knowledge or
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

merrymaking - zabawa [literary; the act of ...

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to outstrip - prześcigać, wyprzedzać [to be or become greater in amount, degree, or success than something or someone]
The demand for food in the war zone now far outstrips supply.
supine - na wznak, na plecach [formal; (lying) flat on your back, looking up]
We walked along the beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun.
twang - brzdęk [the
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to outstrip - prześcigać, wyprzedzać [to be...

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to construe - interpretować, odbierać [to understand the meaning of something in a particular way]
That comment could be construed in either of two ways.
turgid - napuszony, nabrzmiały [(of speech, writing, style, etc.) boring and too serious about its subject matter; swollen; containing more water than usual]
As a writer he was apt to be turgid and prolix, and there was a somewhat un-English
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to construe - interpretować, odbierać [to u...

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mordant - zjadliwy [formal; (especially of humor) cruel and criticizing in a humorous way]
His mordant wit appealed to students.
periodical - czasopismo [a magazine or newspaper, especially on a serious subject, that is published regularly]
She has written for several legal periodicals.
predilection - zamiłowanie, szczególne upodobanie [formal; a strong liking or preference]
Ever since she was a child, she has had
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

mordant - zjadliwy [formal; (especially of ...

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to intersperse - przeplatać, poprzekładać [to mix one thing in with another in a way that is not regular]
Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations.
pusillanimous - bojaźliwy [formal; weak and cowardly; frightened of taking risks]
He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents.
to invigorate - orzeźwiać [to make someone feel fresher, healthier, and more energetic]
We were invigorated by
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to intersperse - przeplatać, poprzekładać [...

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entrant - uczestnik, początkujący [a person who takes part in a competition or an exam; a person who becomes a member of a group or organization]
All entrants complete two three-hour papers.
hobgoblin - chochlik [(in stories) a small ugly creature that likes to trick people or cause trouble]
I think that that is probably a hobgoblin that we can put behind us for the
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

entrant - uczestnik, początkujący [a person...

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to mislay - zapodziać, gubić [to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it]
Could I borrow a pen? I seem to have mislaid mine.
corpulent - korpulentny
He is a short, somewhat corpulent, man.
to vouchsafe - powierzyć, zaszczycić [give or grant (something) to (someone) in a gracious or condescending manner]
He vouchsafed to me certain family secrets.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to mislay - zapodziać, gubić [to lose somet...

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Talia fiszek anki ze słówkami z tego tygodnia (7 * 15 = 105) plik

Dla każdego słowa generowane są 3 fiszki: PL->EN, EN->PL, uzupełnianie luki w zdaniu (w każdym typie fiszek wyświetlają się też odpowiednie dodatkowe informacje jak zapis fonetyczny, wyjaśnienie słownikowe, jaka to część mowy (verb, noun itp.) itp.). Każdy typ fiszki wymaga wpisania polskiego/agielskiego słowa, aby angażować więcej zmysłów i poprawiać zapamiętywanie.
W PL->EN i EN->PL odtwarza się plik dźwiękowy
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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to crack down - wypowiadać walkę [to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and deal more severely with those who are caught doing it]
The library is cracking down on people who lose their books.
to disgorge - wypluwać [literary; to send many people out of a place or vehicle at the same time; to release large amounts of liquid, gas, or other contents]
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to crack down - wypowiadać walkę [to try ha...

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to quaff - pić łapczywie, żłopać [old-fashioned; to drink something quickly or in large amounts]
They spent the evening quaffing champagne.
gregarious - towarzyski [(of people) liking to be with other people]
Emma's a gregarious, outgoing sort of person.
blithely - beztrosko [happily and without feeling or showing any worry, especially when there is a reason to be worried]
She blithely agreed to
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to quaff - pić łapczywie, żłopać [old-fashi...

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simulacrum - udawanie [something that looks like or represents something else]
In other words, he prefers the bland, dumbed-down sounds which represent a diluted simulacrum of the real thing.
to connive - knuć, przymykać oczy na [to work secretly to do something wrong or illegal, or to allow something wrong or illegal to happen]
They accused the government of conniving in drug smuggling.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

simulacrum - udawanie [something that looks...

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amenity - atrakcja [something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment]
The campsite's amenities include a pool and three restaurants.
infliction - zadanie (np. bólu) [the action of forcing someone to experience something very unpleasant]
Physical abuse involves the infliction of physical injury on a child.
acumen - wyczucie [skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

amenity - atrakcja [something that helps to...

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forebear - przodek [a relative who lived in the past; literary]
How the world has changed: occasionally we rediscover long-forgotten truths that our forebears knew well.
baleful - złowrogi [formal; threatening to do something bad or to hurt someone]
He gave me a baleful look.
tacit - milczący [understood without being expressed directly]
By tacit agreement, the subject was never mentioned again.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

forebear - przodek [a relative who lived in...

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@bslawek: nie ma takiej możliwości, musiałbym zmienić napis w obrazku na (prawie) codziennie xD

@aligejtor: na serwerze mam też inne aplikacje które czasem powodują problemy xD coś się popsuło przy aktualizacji dockera i cpu był jechany na 100% i nie odpalił się skrypt wykopowy
  • Odpowiedz
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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to calk - uszczelniać [to fill the gaps around the edge of something, for example a bath or shower, with a special substance]
Calk all cracks between the trim and siding or masonry.
stolid - beznamiętny, powściągliwy [(of a person) calm and not showing emotion or excitement]
Mark sat stolid and silent.
infanticide - dzieciobójstwo
Cases of infanticide often involve extreme emotional disturbance.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to calk - uszczelniać [to fill the gaps aro...

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captious - małostkowy [often expressing criticisms about matters that are not important]
I only desire to say that this is not captious criticism.
matricide - matkobójstwo, matkobójca
Gerald committed matricide; he strangled his mother.
to abet - podżegać do złego, pomagać w przestępstwie [to help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal]
His accountant had aided and abetted him in the
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

captious - małostkowy [often expressing cri...

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abstruse - zawiły, niejasny, niezrozumiały [not known or understood by many people]
The analysis is clearly written and renders these sometimes quite abstruse theories more accessible.
puerile - dziecinny [behaving in a silly way, not like an adult]
I find his sense of humor rather puerile.
to languish - cierpieć, gnić (gdzieś) [to exist in an unpleasant or unwanted situation, often for a long
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

abstruse - zawiły, niejasny, niezrozumiały ...

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cloven - rozszczepiony [used to describe something, especially an animal's hoof, that is divided into two parts]
The devil was painted with horns and cloven hoofs.
to scrunch - zgnieść [to crush material such as paper or cloth into a rough ball in the hand]
He scrunched up the note and threw it on the fire.
tutelage - kuratela, opieka [formal; help, advice, or
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

cloven - rozszczepiony [used to describe so...

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to conjoin - łączyć [to join with something, or to join things together]
The units can be conjoined to form grids.
vagaries - kaprysy
The success of the event will be determined by the vagaries of the weather.
ardently - żarliwie [in a way that shows strong feelings]
Too often we ardently pursue the wrong things.
to deign - raczyć, zechcieć łaskawie
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to conjoin - łączyć [to join with something...

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