Zauważyłem, że ręcznie "poprawili" min/max ceny niektórych przedmiotów.
Jeszcze wczoraj wieczorem cena za Resplendent Diamond nie mogła być niższa niż ok. 208k. Teraz jest to 50k.
Mediah już jutro!

Mediah Expansion Features:

World size increased by 30%
Over 1,000 new quests
Kzarka - An enormous boss that can take on hundreds of players at a time
New guild missions, including special bosses that drop formidable weapons
Crimson Battlefield - Instanced 40v40 skirmishes that players can queue for in groups of five or solo
New weapons and more powerful armor set
Craftable Alchemy Stones allow players to apply Attack,
saif3r - Mediah już jutro!

Mediah Expansion Features:

World size increased by 3...