
- Ustal bankroll i stawkownaie (najlepiej jak pojedyncza stawka na dane wydarzenie sportowe nie wynosi więcej niż 0.5-1% bankrollu)
- Przy zakładach single w Polsce graj takie gdzie n>12%. Najlepiej powyżej 20% by to miało sens.
- Praca na pełen etat albo i dwa etaty. Potrzebujesz być ciągle ONLINE (zależności od trybu pracy, ale dużo informacji może się pojawić, które zmieniają rynek w kilka minut od pojawienia się)
- Masz
  • Odpowiedz
Alright so the model did pretty bad yesterday predicting 1Q winners SU. Golden State and Spurs lost. Dallas and Minnesota lose it in the last 2 minutes. Just a bad day. So the new model record will reflect that. Personally the handicaps covered me on the 1Q so that's why I only take spread on Underdogs. Plays for today:

Charlotte 1Q ML Spread? (Charlotte underdogs now?)- Last 5 games favor Toronto who
Good Plays Today

Brooklyn. Really Solid 1Qs. Solid after that? Not so much. But they can do the work needed to win. Given their record they're only a 7 point favor which probably means decent ML Value. I'll take it if the value is over 1.52

OKC. Really good offensively with KD back. When they're healthy they're just a good team. That being said so is Atlanta. Atlanta has improved their defense
Czołem mirki, zmieniamy taktykę. rezygnujemy z miarniaka MEXTASIS i przerzucamy się na typka od 1Q - Dosc dobra skutecznosc

I do not recommend taking any ML that pays out below 1.52. Too high of a risk for too little of a reward
Cleveland 1Q (Only take if you're getting a ML above 1.52)

I warn against this now. Probably not a good idea GS 1Q ML (See
We'll assume 66% accuracy (Even though model is 69.6%):
Profitable 1Qs worth a shot:

Milwaukee 1Q (All 4 agree)
Chicago 1Q (Only if ML above 1.52) (All 4 agree)
Boston 1Q (All 4 agree)
Charlotte 1Q (Last 15/HCA agree)

Other games with low profit margins/returns with high probability of hitting:
San Antonio 1Q (In Danger zone. Probably good enough to beat like GS)
Miami 1Q

to są typy innego gościa, ostatnio skuteczność
Milwaukee +1.5
I'm not going to lie, I'm a big fan of this young Portland team, they can ball but I can't bet on them when they're on the road, they are great at the Moda Center but that's one of the hardest places to play basketball, the fans are mad crazy there. Lets talk Bucks, I'm really liking this dude Giannis Antetokounmpo, I used to dislike him a lot, he had
Sacramento +11
Washington +2.5
Grizzlies -5.5
Detroit -9 and u 197.5

+ typy od innego goscia tez reddita

Phoenix Suns +5.5 -105 vs Memphis Grizzlies
Detroit Pistons -9.5 -105 vs Los Angeles Lakers
Washington Wizards +2 -105 vs Dallas Mavericks
Sacramento Kings +11 -108 vs Oklahoma City Thunder

#bukmacherka #typyzreddita
NBA could of at least bought me a drink before bending me over and penetrating yesterday.

Oh my god, yesterday was fucking terrible for everyone...

Taak, wczoraj nie było dobrze... Życie, życie jest baleron jak śpiewał słynny polski artysta. Spróbujmy dzisiaj powstać z kolan XD

San Antonio -3.5 (x2 - to chyba podwójna stawka)
OKC -2 + o210.5
GSW -8
Proponuje grac to delikatniej, np zamiast -8 jakieś -4.5. Powodzenia ( ͡