@juicebox: Warto przy zakupie herbat jesli chcesz aby dalej było to #teaporn kupować suszone całe liscie herbaty a nie wiory. Cena takich herbat jest większa ale warto zaplacic pare złotych wiecej a cieszyć sie prawdziwym smakiem a nie odpadem ;) polecam tez poczytać o piciu herbaty bo każda należy inaczej przyrządzać.
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@Siganiv: Tak na szybko. Moje twierdzenie było zaś poparte przede wszystkim empirią.

L-theanine is an amino acid responsible for increasing alpha brain wave activity, which promotes relaxation. In concert with the stimulant caffeine, this allows tea to induce a feeling of increased concentration over a longer period of time, compared to caffeine alone. Some tea merchants will tell you that tea “releases” its caffeine into the body more slowly than coffee, but in actuality, the effects of caffeine are being moderated by L-theanine.

Recent studies have shown that tea “. . . taken throughout the day can significantly benefit speed of perception and more consistent levels of simple task performance. L-theanine appears to antagonize the stimulatory effects of caffeine by decreasing seratonin levels that have been artifically elevated by caffeine” [1]. As a result, the bod sustains a feeling of alertness that cannot be obtained by the caffeine in coffee
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