Kącik humoru inteligentnego.

Einstein, Pascal, and Newton are playing hide and go seek. Einstein is counting while Newton and Pascal hide. Pascal runs off and hides while Newton doesn’t move an inch. Instead, he draws a square, one meter by one meter, around himself in the dirt. After Einstein finishes counting, he opens his eyes and says, “Found you Newton! That was easy.”

Newton says, “No you didn’t. You found Pascal.”

Kącik humoru inteligentnego (po angielsku):

A foreign officer seeing a gentleman of the Foot Guards mounted on a fine Spanish ass, suddenly exclaimed: – What a beautiful mule that is! – It is not a mule, my good fellow, it is a jack-ass – Pardon me, it would be a jack-ass in the line, but as it belongs to the guards, it must be a mule by brevet.

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