MongoDB vs RavenDB
A comparison between MongoDB and RavenDB
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A comparison between MongoDB and RavenDB
zData-driven testing can be the best thing after inventing the can opener. But when done improperly can be like cutting yourself with the can. Here are a few tips on how to do it properly.
zData-driven testing can be the best thing after inventing the can opener. But when done improperly can be like cutting yourself with the can. Here are a few tips on how to do it properly.
zTest code is only there to pass proper data. This entry is how to get the data.
zI don't like writing tests. They are repetitive and boring. But I found a way to write them less and have more tested.
zTesting is easy. If it starts to be hard, maybe change the code?
zKubernetes is THE topic of discussions in IT now. I would argue that it is only an intermediate step.
zWhen trying to run F# code as a precompiled Azure function strange thing happen. This is how to solve those problems.
zAzure Functions documentation is a mess. It is even worst in blogposts. The reason for it is that there is no single Azure Functions offering. There are three.
zAll the things I wish someone told me before I've started using PowerShell Desired State Configuration
zThis post is an analysis of 'Could not load file or assembly'. Why it happens and how to diagnose it
zSearching through logs and remoting to a machine to check it's load is not a fun thing to do. This is why I've decided to look for a centralized logging service. And what I've chosen.
zA tale how applying the oldest performance optimization techniques really affects performance
zA continuation of a series of how to get from 34 hours to about one
zThis post examines performance optimizations made to go from 34-hour process to an 11 hour one
zHow to define similarity between two objects? Worst yet. How to calculate it. This post describes the modeling process for defining similarity between recipes.
zAnalysis of high memory usage can be tricky. This post describes how to analyze a memory dump with .NET Memory Profiler and how to look for the cause why the application is allocating co much memory.
zWstęp do tego jak analizować duże zużycie pamięci w aplikacji.
zKolejna część analizy Hangfire. Rekurencyjne joby i wyrażenia cronowe
zDogłębne spojrzenie w bilbiotekę Hangfire do wykonywania asynchronicznych jobów w tle. Tym razem w ponawianie i cancelacja jobów