via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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@dqti: pewnie pralnia, będą przelewać więcej, a ty różnice będziesz przelewał dalej na inne konta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Hello Aupair,

My name is Mrs. X, i was referred to you by Mr. Y. I'm a mother of two beautiful kids namely Z and T. Z is a 5 year old boy while T is almost a year old girl. Apparently, my husband and i are in search of a honest aupair with a good heart to look after our kids at home here in UK. Arrangements for your travel ticket and visa preparations would be made for you if we come to an agreement or conclusion to make you our aupair. 

You will be required to do some light domestic works often times like cleaning, doing laundry and and sometimes preparing meals in the house together with me but not always. We are offering a monthly salary of 2,100 GBP which also comes with a weekly allowance of 85GBP depending on our agreements. Our expectation from you is to take good care of our kids. 

was referred to you by Mr. Y

@white_council: ale w sumie tu jest najwazniejsze zdanie - znasz pana Y i to faktycznie mozliwe, ze Cie gdzies polecil? Pogadaj z nim i dowiedz sie czegos wiecej.
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