Zanim się wbijecie w nowo wylistowanego shitcoina: #quarkcoin #iotex #ico #kryptowaluty

Quark is trash.

There is a new Chinese ICO hustle. Instead of having a regular ICO where 60-70% of the coin is sold in ICO/Presale and somewhat widely distributed these coins just have small little ICOs where they sell 5-20%. They then instantly spend 5 million on a Binance listing with the ICO proceeds. This allows them to generate hype and boost the price of the coin rapidly while also creating massive initial liquidity on Binance. Once the coin lists on Binance the devs can unload their supply at 10x what they would have sold for at ICO. Done this way the team can make double the money while only selling half of the coins versus just holding a regular ICO. Plus they get the additional exposure benefits, etc. of Binance. Most respectable ICOs in the past wouldn't feel right in spending so much money on an exchange listing but now we see it is a savy and cutthroat business decision. IOTEX literally just pulled this exact same move (and look at the post listing dump as the IOTEX team continually dumped the price back under 600 sats)

In QuarkChain's case they only sold 20% with 16% locked up. That means only 4% of the supply is currently on the market. Yet they are simultaneously listing on many exchanges including Binance. Binance even had to delay listing because of this. Who do you think is going to be selling and providing liquidity once Binance opens up? Of course it will be the QKC team themselves selling most of the tokens. This initial supply constriction also makes it much easier to boost the price of their coin (I mean the devs are literally buying their own coins on IDEX pumping this to the sky) both naturally and through manipulation - look at what happened with Bytecoin and that absurd pump when a small part of the supply was isolated for trading.

QCK is a noname team of Chinese opportunists who saw Zilliqa had a great idea and they blatantly ripped them off while adding exaggerations and embellishments to their white paper (1,000,000 TPS guys!!! but our testnet is only 5 nodes and does 2k TPS). IOTEX is kinda shady but you are FAR BETTER OFF buying IOTEX than this Quarkchain scam.
@namthar: dodaj także:

1.Mnożenie walut.

-załóżmy że mam 1BTC i 100 000 DOGE, naciskam guzik z napisem pomnóż i automatycznie dokonuje siętransakcja w wyniku któej mam 100 000 BTC i 100 000
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@BartoszCoyote: To rok założenia kagańca na szyje :P Konfigurujesz jak każdą inną tylko w tym przypadku nazwa workera to numer twojego portfela , a postępów to tam nie zobaczysz zresztą kopanie quarka chyba nie bardzo opłacane jest
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@losiul: wiesz co zbieram się właśnie więc nie obejrzę drugi raz, ale ogólnie on bronił się że nie jest premined dlatego, że dużo osób mogło go wcześniej wykopać,a nie kopał go tylko autor i dzięki temu że waluta jest wykopana to jest stabilna wcześniej niż inne waluty.

(Czytałem artykuł o tym, nie mogę znaleźć właśnie że już obecnie Quark na tych giełdach się zdecentralizował i jest na poziomie Namecoina [dużo
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