18+ nsfw

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#randomanimeshit #teraonline #elin #loli #lolizeliego @jamal013 @mar0uk


Szukałem ostatnio mmorpg i chyba znalazłem. Na stronie commiesubs natrafiłem na wpis o tej grze i mnie przekonali:

What is TERA?

TERA is an MMORPG that lets you RP as a little girl while killing big bad monsters.

Why would I want to play TERA?

Because you’re a disgusting pedo that also enjoys challenging content. It also has the best combat system of any
z.....s - #randomanimeshit #teraonline #elin #loli #lolizeliego @jamal013 @mar0uk


źródło: comment_DeaEKpgmL3MFK81jvu3k2Gm9Obmn3EMg.jpg
