@Opipramoli_dihydrochloridum: nie kojarzę niczego takiego. jeśli było coś takiego, to tylko w fanowskiej wersji.

"The music video uses the Fatboy Slim remix version and was directed by MCA, under his alias Nathaniel Hornblower. It parodies and incorporates scenes from the 1968 Italian action film Danger: Diabolik (based on the comic character Diabolik) with Ad-Rock playing the titular character, MCA playing the villain and Mike D as the villain's assistant. It was released in two versions: censored and uncensored; the former replacing machine gun blasts with that of a laser gun, and the latter featuring a comedic but bloody decapitation."

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_Movin%27#Music_video
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chciałem i kiedyś tak robilem na różnych innych tagach, jeszcze na innym niku, ale wykop mial w dupie.

@erebeuzet: rozumiem. dlatego chyba lepiej robić to na publicznym blogu (blogspot/wordpress) i zostawić dla potomnych. wypok i tak już dogrywa.
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@erebeuzet: po raz pierwszy widziałem ten teledysk w filmie, który był kiedyś puszczany na polskiej Vivie w okolicach 2001-2003 r. Film był kompilacją teledysków, jakichś wywiadów i skitów (była m.in. scenka jak grali w kosza przebrani za dziadków). W filmie był też na pewno teledysk do "Something Got To Give" wersja live "So What'cha Want" wykonana razem z Cypress Hill z zajebistym pogo na scenie i instrumentalne numery, gdzie grali
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@erebeuzet: warto przeczytać

A Postmodern Analysis of Beastie Boys' "Shadrach"

Postmodern cultural texts abandon traditional notions of content and continuity. A text does not tell a single story - it may be fragmented into many different messages. References and examples are to other media creations and images, as recursive copies of copies abound. In addition, a postmodern piece may exhibit a kind of self-consciousness. While traditional texts adhere to standards of construction or objectivity that aim to make the creator invisible, postmodernist texts often reference themselves. As Andrew Ferguson writes in the Weekly Standard on contemporary celebrity interviews, "The celebrity profile becomes a story of a writer trying to write a celebrity profile." (Nov. 6, 1995, p. 39). These elements - fragmentation, self-reference, hyperreality, and pastiche - are found "Shadrach," a song on Beastie Boys' 1989 album Paul's Boutique, an example of
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