Polecam lekturę tekstu ze stanfordzkiej encyklopedii filozofii szkalującego (choć dość subtelnie, w końcu to akademia) oblicze znanej pseudomyślicielki Ayn Rand. Nie chodzi mi tylko o przywołanie szarlatanerii, jaką parała się ta kobieta – Uniwersytet Stantorda dobrze podsumowuje powody, dla których została odrzucona przez środowisko naukowe. Takich jak choćby brak elementarnego warsztatu formalnego i metodologicznego:

Whereas Rand’s ideas and mode of presentation make Rand popular with many non-academics, they lead to the opposite outcome with academics. She developed some of her views in response to questions from her readers, but never took the time to defend them against possible objections or to reconcile them with the views expressed in her novels. Her philosophical essays lack the self-critical, detailed style of analytic philosophy, or any serious attempt to consider possible objections to her views. Her polemical style, often contemptuous tone, and the dogmatism and cult-like behavior of many of her fans also suggest that her work is not worth taking seriously.[2]

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