Dzisiejsze przemówienie Hassana Nasrallaha. Porusza kwestie Gazy, protestów w Iranie, upadku ISIS i spotkania z Assadem.

Ale tu zamieszczam chyba najbardziej interesujące fragmenty - czyli o Iranie:

I am happy to be with you tonight. I think there is nothing worrying about #iranprotests as it is incomparable to the protests that occurred in Iran in 2009.

#iranprotests are incomparable to the situation in Syria in 2011. The issue in #iran today is mainly financial/economical. The problem isn't within the system, that's fully united, but was rather caused by banks' bankruptcy.
60groszyzawpis - Dzisiejsze przemówienie Hassana Nasrallaha. Porusza kwestie Gazy, pr...

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