#koronawirus #ciekawostki #siecineuronowe #gadaniezbotem

Zapytałem Transformera (taka AI bazująca na sieci neuronowej) o pochodzenie i przyszłość koronawirusa. Pomyśłał chwile i napisał:

"Future and origin of Corona Virus. 2019NCov: 150259178
1) Brandeis URV virus and URV2-RFLP/FTCV are parts of the same retroviral family (Parvoviridae).
2) Fuscaviridae (parvoviruses, cutaneous transmissible spongiform encephalitis viruses) or some of their related families (e.g. Fuscaviridae).
3) Part of the Solanaceae (millipedes, crayfish, etc).
This was a category that
Zadałem mu jeszcze jedno pytanie i pasuje temat. Zaczał mi "pluć" numerami telefonów xD

"Is China doing enough to stop epidemy of Coronavirus 2019NCov? USAID, Directorate for Global Health and Science,USA Department of State,Office of Population, Refugees and Migration,400 Copley Plaza, NW, 16th Floor, 6th Flr, Washington, DC, USA, Tel: (202) 647-3489, Fax: (202) 647-3490 (Geneva; for e-mail); Noisia's Power VIPs: Ollie Shenkman, Ira Rosenkranz, and Alex Weinberger. Saturday, September 29, 2018,
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