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55 / 600 - The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - The Market Place


On seeing you, standing in that place my love
My heart like a candle on fire, melts inside my sigh

#muzyka #60s

#codzienne60 <---


Down in the marketplace, I have seen you many times my love
Standing there, you have looked so lovely to me
On seeing you, standing in that place my love
My heart like a candle on fire, melts inside my sigh

Shining on you, my eyes are burning like coals in me, my love
Quickly I see, that your thoughts are turning on to me
Feeling warmth I feel, the sun is shining down on me, my love
Soon, I know straight at me looking of thy

Eyes meeting eyes and we are looking at, We my love
Can turning us sigh, you sigh so mournfully
Using my eyes for eyes and casting them above my love
I notice, your father's men are closing in on me.

Feelingly I take one last look at thy, my love. 
Then burning and running and shouting and flailing the men with my fist
Screaming and aiming, your father's men their guns my love
I’m over the wall they fired the first round and they miss

Away I go, today away, goodbye my love
It has been lovely but I'm too young to die
In the next city, I daze at a night, I will tell of your beauty my love,
And do you I know, do you? Some foolish young victim will fly
And do you I know, do you? Some foolish young victim will fly.
BiedyZBaszkoj - 55 / 600 - The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - The Market Place


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