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109 / 600 - The United States of America - The Garden Of Earthly Delights


Blackening mushrooms drink in the rain
Sinister nightblooms
Wilt with the dawn's welcoming pain

#muzyka #60s

#codzienne60 <---


Poisonous gardens, lethal and sweet
Venomous blossoms
Choleric fruit, deadly to eat

Violet nightshades, innocent bloom
Omnivourous orchids
Cautiously wait, hungrily loom

You will find them in her eyes
In her eyes, in her eyes
You will find them in her eyes
In her eyes, in her eyes

Petrified willows, twisted and brown
Carrion swallows
Wait in the wet darkening room

Withering shadows, quietly grow
Potently breeding
Into a spectacular glow

You will find them in her eyes
In her eyes, in her eyes

Lemonous petals, dissident play
Tasting of ergot
Dancing by night, dying by day

Blackening mushrooms drink in the rain
Sinister nightblooms
Wilt with the dawn's welcoming pain

You will find them in her eyes
In her eyes, in her eyes
You will find them in her eyes
In her eyes, in her eyes
BiedyZBaszkoj - 109 / 600 - The United States of America - The Garden Of Earthly Deli...
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