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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to groom - szykować [to prepare someone carefully for a special position or job]
Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles.
fornicator - cudzołożnik [a person who has sex with someone who they are not married to]
I have no sympathy for liars or fornicators.
knuckle - kłykieć [one of the parts of your finger where it bends]
Charlotte rapped on the window with her knuckles.
cotton candy - wata cukrowa
/ˌkɑː.t̬ən ˈkæn.di/
Making more cotton candy requires buying a new, bigger machine.
clout - siła przebicia [power and influence over other people or events]
The small firms banded together so they would have more clout in Washington.
morrow - nazajutrz [literary]
They arranged to meet on the morrow.
culvert - przepust [a pipe for waste water that crosses under roads, railways, etc.]
The main culvert is now badly silted and will not pass storm flood flows.
sorcery - czarnoksięstwo [a type of magic in which spirits, especially evil ones, are used to make things happen]
It seems that some people still believe in sorcery and black magic.
fainthearted - bojaźliwy
He deals with subjects more fainthearted filmmakers would stay away from.
to garner - zbierać [to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty]
All the information that we garnered has been kept on file.
vibrant - tętniący życiem [energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm]
The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.
to amplify - wzmacniać [to increase the size or effect of something; to make something louder]
A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives.
pernicious - zgubny [formal]
Ageism is equally as offensive and pernicious as sexism.
well-off - dobrze sytuowany
/ˌwel ˈɑːf/
His parents are very well-off.
eyepiece - okular [the part of a piece of equipment, for example, a microscope, through which you look]
The tube containing the eyepiece and the objective is double.
bonus - idiom
in the bag
People use this expression when it becomes obvious that success or victory is going to be achieved.
An hour before the polling stations closed, victory seemed in the bag for the Conservative candidate.

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