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Donald Tusk@eucopresident · 37 mins37 minutes ago

I come here with a strong sense of purpose. In these difficult times Europe needs success. To me, this means four things. (1/5)

Donald Tusk@eucopresident · 35 mins35 minutes ago

First, protecting our fundamental values, freedom and solidarity, against threats to the EU & its unity- both from inside & outside.

Donald Tusk@eucopresident · 32 mins32 minutes ago

Third, the EU must be strong internationally. Europe has to secure its borders, support those in neighbourhood who share our values.

Donald Tusk@eucopresident · 31 mins31 minutes ago

Fourth, relations between Europe & the United States are the backbone of the community of democracies. The year ahead will be crucial.

Donald Tusk@eucopresident · 12 mins12 minutes ago

Finally, we need ruthless determination to end the economic crisis. It is our responsibility to complete the genuine #emu.

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