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53 / 600 - The Just Luv - Valley of Hate


I walk alone
No place called home
In this valley of hate

#muzyka #60s

#codzienne60 <---


In this world of hate and sin
Where the devil listens in
And men die every day
But people have nothing to say

In this valley of hate
I walk alone
No place called home
In this valley of hate

I do not live for tomorrow
I only live for today
And let politics win this war
The soldier has nothing to say
For I've watched my best friend be shot down
And people back home think he's just a clown

In this valley of hate
I walk alone
No place called home
I just groan

I do not live for tomorrow
Tomorrow I may die
And why should i be alone
Like a pilot up in the sky
For I've watched dying man cry
And I've heard the bullets flying by
And how can we ever survive

In this valley of hate
I walk alone
No place called home

In this valley of hate
In this valley of hate
In this valley of hate
BiedyZBaszkoj - 53 / 600 - The Just Luv - Valley of Hate


I walk alone 
No plac...
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