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Chyba mamy świeży i mocny trop. Na Policję zgłosiła się 30-letnia Maria, którą wcześniej (2 czerwca) próbowano napaść i zgwałcić w okolicy miejsca, w którym znaleziono porzucone zwłoki Anastazji. Na przesłuchanie w tej sprawie pilnie sprowadzono Pakistańczyka, współlokatora zatrzymanego wcześniej Bengalczyka.

Czekałam na plaży na swoją znajomą, miałyśmy iść coś razem zjeść. Podszedł do mnie jeden facet, przedstawił się i powiedział, że wykonuje masaże na plaży i zaproponował jeden. Odmówiłam. Musiał mi wtedy coś dosypać do piwa, bo w ciągu kilku minut zaczęło mi paraliżować całe ciało, a on dopytywał czemu nie dopijam swojego piwa. Rzucił się na mnie swoim ciałem, krzyczał, pytał czy może nie chcę go (seksu z nim*) z powodu koloru jego skóry. Krzyczałam i płakałam.

Ciało odmawiało mi posłuszeństwa, ale umysł i świadomość nie. Resztką sił krzyknęłam tak głośno jak tylko mogłam i go spłoszyłam*.

In the meantime, MEGA brings to light the complaint of a young woman who, as she says, was the victim of an attempted rape 20 meters from the spot where Anastasia's body was found in Kos, and the perpetrator claims everything that belongs to his very close environment 32 year old from Bangladesh.

Maybe she was the previous victim before Anastasia. MEGA reveals the chilling testimony of a 30-year-old woman who now gives other dimensions to the Kos thriller.

After the disappearance of the 27-year-old, the nightmare came to life for the 30-year-old Maria, since as she revealed to MEGA, a few days ago, just 20 meters away from where the body of the unfortunate Anastasia was found, a member of the group of the main suspect accused of the kidnapping of the 27-year-old from Poland, tried to rape her.

“It's the exact same spot, exactly, I say and shudder. I mean, I know what happened to the girl. I can feel what happened to the girl and I'm mad because I didn't see the one who did it to me, that means it was a group, that it's a clique, how can I say it and he'll do it again while he's free.

30 year old: I was thinking exactly the same thing, I know what happened to the girl. The exact same thing happened. They found her on the street, approached her. The girl had drunk wine as they say in the tavern, maybe she was a little drunk, maybe they told her that "to take you home", they treated her to an orange juice, a beer, something and at the first opportunity they threw something into her thing. If I had been fifty meters away, where there was no one, and the tree where the girl was found was on top, fifty meters away it would have happened to me too.

The incident took place on the evening of Friday, June 2, and Maria was waiting for her friend on a beach to go to school so they could go eat. There, the young man approached her and as he pointed out, "he said his name was... and he lived in Zipari, he gave me his phone number and told me that he worked on the sunbeds and that he gave massages on the beach. She told me if I wanted a massage. I told him no and that's where it all started."

As the victim tells MEGA, he threw something in her beer, within a few minutes it paralyzed her whole body and then the foreigner rushed to rape her. “He clearly threw something in me. Halfway through the beer, he already says to me, 'aren't you going to drink your beer?' I took a long gulp of the beer. After a few minutes everything went dark, everything went dark. I couldn't move any part of my body but my mind was working. My mind was clear.

My mind was very clear. He would fall on me with force, grab me and shout at me 'you don't want me, why do I have black skin?' And I was calling him 'no, no' and I was crying and he was saying 'then what?'"

As for whether they could be from the group of the main suspect for the murder of the 27-year-old, he emphasized that "yes, they are all together, I believe they are all together a group. I believe they have done it long before me and I believe they will do it again and the next victim will be arrested, when another girl will cry. This is their system."

In fact, as Maria claims, with whatever strength she had left before she felt her throat glands completely paralyzed, she shouted as loud as she could. Finally, as he made known, he reported the event to "Smile of the Child".



PS Tak tak, pracuję nad podsumowaniem, ale jak zwykle jest tego dużo i nadal przybywa.

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źródło: Zrzut ekranu 2023-06-20 o 23.06.18
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