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Dobra, bez żartów. Transkrypcja prosto z FOX News:

Over the Baltic Sea people from Mars spread their wings To attack in such a way is one big farce The mob stares puzzled, a new one seeks excitement Civilization of an enemy from another planet In Gdynia a crisis staff is hastily assembled Or anti, A fish goes bad from the head And everyone here is up to no good John Malkovich when he played Rusk said "madier fakier" Planetary invasion is approaching the beach Meanwhile in the staff in Gdynia one insulted the other What was that movie they kept getting fucked on? Here for heroin, ladies, people would give everything All the boards peed, all the kibbles washed What a beautiful port our port is, when you see it in the morning Everything arranged, a lot of good work To the port are approaching from Mars creatures

#ufo #usa #inwazja #ciekawostki
Atreyu - Dobra, bez żartów. Transkrypcja prosto z FOX News:
 Over the Baltic Sea peop...

źródło: Zrzut ekranu 2023-02-13 000011
