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Potężny "Dostawca internetu z północnego Idaho" T1Wifi oferujący 1Mbps za $35.95 zablokował TT i FB.

Wydawać by się mogło, że to potężne zwycięstwo konserwatyzmu nad Big Tech i cenzurą tymczasem:

In a phone call with KREM, the owner of the company, Brett Fink, again said the websites would only be blocked for customers who asked.

"We've had customers asked to be blocked by it. That is what the email was about, so no we are not blocking anybody, only the ones that have asked for it," Fink said.

Pomijając już fakt, że Washington state Attorney General's przygląda się, czy czasem firma nie złamała Net Neutrality law które zabrania ISP manipulować dostęp do treści.

While Your T1 WIFI says they acted in response to censorship, the company's actions could also be considered censorship. In addition, they may violate Washington state's Net Neutrality law, which states that internet providers may not manipulate access to content.

A spokesperson for the Washington state Attorney General's office said the Consumer Protection Division was "taking a look at the matter."


cc: @VonHirschberg - poproś #moderacja o usunięcie fejka.

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