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Siema siema! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Trochę spóźnione info, ale dziś odbędzie się kolejne spotkanie grupy C++ User Group Cracow! ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)


Dzisiejszym prowadzącym będzie: Andrzej Krzmieński ()

Podrzucam opis dzisiejszego spotkania:

We will see some examples preconditions and alternatives: defensive ifs, more constrained types. We will see why preconditions might be preferable. Similarly we will go over invariants: those that can and those that cannot be expressed in C++. We will also have a look at the contracts added to C++20, and their issues.

źródło: comment_M1hFORf0pW2ODWSqh2N0RHWq2XB6NFJW.jpg