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Przez mój facebook przewijają się wiadomości o wojnie domowej w #zimbabwe
Ceny paliw wzrosły do ponad $3 i wywołało to protesty.
Ktoś coś wie?
#afryka #poludniowaafryka
Oryginalna wiadomość:

Civil war started in Zim.Copied from a friend

Just got this message from Zim about the happenings on the ground so far....

The 48km peg to Bindura at Cheza, the bridge has been distroyed

Nyanga road from Rusape barricaded with big stones and wood logs before Londonstore, Christmas pass Mutare closed with big stones motorists asked to go back,
Domboshava 1 soldier killed by angry mob, a military 4 ton truck with armed soldiers fled Hatcliffe shopping center as civilians notified carrying 3 machine guns
Beitbridge road closed at Ngundu Holt
Gweru protest hits up as civilians attacking security forces
Kadoma town is a no go area for security forces as angry mobs has declared civil war!!!
Army Helicopters in Bulawayo
Chirundu Border closed Zambia side
Shootings at plumtree Border
3 police cars burnt in Marondera
Hundreds injured in Harare, teargas and live ammunition being used and fires burning everywhere
People have been set on fire
Shops are being looted
No electricity in Harare
Doctors can't help anyone as nobody can get to work at hospitals because roads are barracaded everywhere and if they can get there, they are dealing with gunshot wounds, stabbings and shattered limbs - they still don't have any gloves or sanitary items to work with on these injured people and there are no painkiller drugs to be found as chemists want US dollars first as payment - there is NO money
Government has SHUT ALL SOCIAL MEDIA off so we are being held hostage in our own country - pleeeease someone help us!!!
  • 12
@asique: wróciło dwóch znajomych. Właśnie skończyłem rozmawiać z jednym z nich. Nie jest dobrze - wojskowi i policja potrafi wejść ludziom na chatę i skonfiskować zapasy, jeśli tylko nie mają na nie paragonu. Internet nadal leży, USD nie jest już wymienialne na dolary zimbabwejskie 1:1 jak to było jeszcze w grudniu. lekarze mają zakaz wpisywania w papierach, że pacjent zmarł od ran postrzałowych. Ogólnie Sodoma i Gomora. (