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@Oklasky: O, tu masz oświadczenie ITF, które stoi murem za sędzią:

“Carlos Ramos is one of the most experienced and respected umpires in tennis. Mr. Ramos’ decisions were in accordance with the relevant rules and were re-affirmed by the US Open’s decision to fine Serena Williams for the three offences.”

“It is understandable that this high profile and regrettable incident should provoke debate. At the same time, it is important to
Kwestia taka, że to i tak tylko takie klepanie po plecach bo WTA nie ma nic do ITF i tego co dzieje się na szlemach

@gram_w_mahjonga: I właśnie dlatego taka drama. Bajeczna kasa poza kontrolą WTA, no tak być nie może! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)