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31 oskarżonych w #huddersfield za przestępstwa wobec dzieci

Banaras Hussain, 37, of Shipley, charged with one count of rape of a female over 16.

Banaris Hussain, 35, of Huddersfield, charged with one count of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Mohammed Suhail Arif, 30, of Huddersfield, charged with rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Iftikar Ali, 37, of Huddersfield, charged with attempted rape of a girl aged 13-15 and three counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Mohammed Sajjad, 31, of Huddersfield, charged with four counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15, one rape of a girl under 13 and facilitating the commission of a child sex offence.

Fehreen Rafiq, 38, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of a child sex offence.

Umar Zaman, 30, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Basharat Hussain, 31, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Amin Ali Choli, 36, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a female over 16.

Shaqeel Hussain, 35, of Dewsbury, charged with rape of a girl aged 13-15 and two counts of trafficking.

Mubasher Hussain, 35, of Huddersfield, charged with rape of a girl aged 13-15 and sexual assault.

Abdul Majid, 34, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Mohammed Dogar, 35, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of child sex offence.

Usman Ali, 32, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Mohammed Waqas Anwar, 29, of Huddersfield, charged with five counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Gul Riaz, 42, of Huddersfield, charged with rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Mohammed Akram, 41, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of trafficking with a view to sexual exploitation of a female and rape of a girl aged 14-15.

Manzoor Akhtar, 29, of Huddersfield, charged with trafficking and three counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Samuel Fikru, 30, of Camden, charged with two counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

A further 12 men who cannot be named for legal reasons have been charged with "numerous offences in connection with the same investigation".


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@Oklasky: Kiedys czytalem, ze praktycznie wszystkie gangi zajmujace sie w UK groomingiem nieletnich (nie wiem jak to przetlumaczyc...) pochodza z jednej prowincji Pakistanu, ciekawym czy to dalej tak dziala.
via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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@piter259: nie powiem jest ich kilku. Jednak
1. To tylko oskarżenie,
2. Policja może uznać że na tyle wystarczy wracamy do łapania pijanych pod barami, niezależnie czy zostaną skazani
3. Nie znam ich korzeni, ale jest duża szansa, że wywodzą się z kultury gdzie kobiety są nikim więc oskarżenie /skazanie nie wpływa na ich status w grupie bądź prospekty na przyszłość