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Szkic angielskiego okrętu wojennego z encyklopedii z 1728 roku. Okręty tego typu posiadały do 80 dział, a załogą liczyła maksymalnie 300 marynarzy. Warto zbliżyć, bo prawie każdy istotny element został opisany: od żagli, po liny, a kończąc na pokładzie czy sekcjach.

"This beautiful diagram and cross section of a warship comes from an encyclopedia from 1728. Specifically, this vessel is a ship of war, of the third rate. From the 17th to 19th centuries, the British Royal Navy conducted war with a naval tactic known as the “line of battle,” where simply two columns of ships would maneuver to bring the largest number of broadside weapons to action. Within this battle style, the Royal Navy built ships of three ratings. A ship of the third rate had 64 and 80 guns mounted to two gun decks on its side. The mechanics and weaponry of first rate and second rate ships were larger and more powerful, but it was known that the third rates had the best compromise of speed and handling, firepower, and cost. A third rate ship would normally carry between 200 and 300 men."

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myrmekochoria - Szkic angielskiego okrętu wojennego z encyklopedii z 1728 roku. Okręt...

źródło: comment_hCeIF2C6ePTskr7T5aNkOy7Iz1zxC0OA.jpg

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