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Mirki i Mirabelki z #angielski #angielskizwykopem, czy to jest napisane poprawnie? Mam największe wątpliwości co do czasów w ostatnim zdaniu.

In classical electromagnetism, light is understood as an electromagnetic wave. The wave behavior of light is described by the Maxwell’s equations developed in the 1860s. The idea of a photon did not exist in physics until the 20th century. Nevertheless, the picture of light as a continuous wave was sufficient for explaining most of the experimental observations. There were known some phenomena, however, with which physicists kept struggling and could not explain them with classical physics.
  • 7
@suttle: Chodziło mi głównie o to, czy tam nie brakuje perfectów - czy nie powinno być tak jak z nawiasami:

There were known some phenomena, however, with which physicists (had) kept struggling and could (have) not explain them with classical physics.
@4833478: nie brakuje perfectów, ale zdanie leży gramatycznie w innym miejscu.
1. there were known some phenomena
2. zaimki względne przeważnie się rozdziela od przyimków (aczkolwiek nie jest to błędem jeśli się tego nie zrobi)
3. zaimek "them" wg mnie zbędny.