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Ciekawe spostrzeżenie, niezależnie od prawdziwości i nieuwzględniania wielu innych czynników:

Imagine, contrary to fact, that two-thirds of the members of each generation are female. Since there are twice as many mothers as fathers but each child has one of each, the average male must be having twice as many children as the average female. It follows that a couple that has a son will, on average, have twice as many grandchildren as a couple that has a daughter. Since couples who produce sons have more descendants, more of the population is descended from them and has their genes-including the gene for having sons. Genes for producing male offspring increase in the population. The process continues until the numbers of male and female offspring are equal. If we start with a ratio either higher or lower than that, the situation must swing back toward an even sex ratio.

D. Friedman, Hidden Order, The Economics of Everyday Life

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