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Start rakiety New Shepard firmy Blue Origin i test systemu ewakuacji kapsuły w czasie lotu
5 października 2016 17:36
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Launch site: Corn Ranch, Van Horn, Texas

This test will mark the fifth flight for this particular booster after having landed successfully on all its previous flights to the edge of space. In its initial stages, the flight of the New Shepard booster and its Crew Capsule will look like the previous test missions, however, 45 seconds into the climb, a powerful abort motor within the Crew Capsule will be fired to demonstrate a crew could be transported to safety in the event of a major problem during the most stressful segment of the flight. The flight abort test will be a greater challenge as the Crew Capsule has to pull away from the still-firing booster and transition into a controlled descent after going through quite some aerodynamic stress.

Like Mercury, Apollo, and Soyuz, New Shepard has an escape system that can quickly propel the crew capsule to safety if a problem is detected with the booster. Our escape system, however, pushes rather than pulls and is mounted underneath the capsule rather than on a tower. The escape motor vectors thrust to steer the capsule to the side, out of the booster’s path. The capsule then coasts, stabilized by reaction control thrusters, until it starts descending. Its three drogue parachutes deploy near the top of its flight path, followed shortly thereafter by main parachutes. On a nominal mission, the escape motor is not expended and can be flown again and again.


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