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The 18 sewer men who changed the war

Artykuł o tunelarzach i ich pracy w czasie I wojny światowej. Bardzo dobry nadmieńmy

Many were over 40. A few were white-haired and toothless. Most were small - less than 5ft 4in tall, at a time when the average height was 5ft 8in. They had strong backs and calloused hands.

On 7 June 1917, 19 huge British mines were exploded beneath the Messines Ridge in Belgian Flanders. The blasts killed as many as 10,000 soldiers and shattered German morale and enabled the British to capture the enemy positions within hours.

The explosions were said to have been heard by the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, 150 miles (241 km) away in 10 Downing Street. The attack was one of war's few unalloyed successes.

Artykuł: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zggykqt
Dokument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc9s3ZMYIec
Mapa tuneli: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Diagram_of_mine_warfare%2C_tunnels%2C_galleries_and_ventilation.png

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