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Start rakiety Falcon 9 v1.1 FT wraz z satelitami komunikacyjnymi Orbcomm OG2 i historyczne lądowanie pierwszego stopnia (ʘʘ)
22 grudnia 2015 02:33
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Launch site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 11 second-generation Orbcomm communications satellites. The satellites will operate for Orbcomm Inc., providing two-way data messaging services for global customers. The rocket flew on a full-thrust version of the Falcon 9 rocket with upgraded Merlin 1D engines, stretched fuel tanks, and a payload fairing. Delayed from December 2014 and 1st Quarter 2015 and August. Delayed from Dec. 19 and Dec. 20.


#spacex #elonmusk #kosmos #eksploracjakomosu #mirkokosmos #rakiety #gfy #trustinthrust
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