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polecam ciekawe ama z izraelskim zolnierzem IDF na temat sytuacji Izrael-Palestyna.


Dodatkowo ciekawy cytat z komentarzy odnosnie prawa budowlanego (dlaczego brak regulacji jest tak samo zly jak za duzo regulacji):

"I lived in Gaza for over 7 years , it's atleast 1.5 million people on 30 kms from egypt borders to israel and 18 kms from the sea to israel , believe me when I say that it's crowded , also there is no building rules or anything . No one leaves space for walking path. We sold our house in Gaza because our neighbors surrounded us from every side which caused us to never feel the sun in the winter and never feel the wind in the summer . Sorry for my bad english."

#izrael #palestyna #ama #architektura #budownictwo
nilfheimsan - polecam ciekawe ama z izraelskim zolnierzem IDF na temat sytuacji Izrae...

źródło: comment_Lzq2zCFeLeKMZ2TXpTpQwyzo5q3BgT7i.jpg

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