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Prosty i darmowy sposób na podsumowywanie audio bez transkrypcji:
50 minutowe audio pobrałem w najgorszej możliwej jakości. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPf05l4xF0E


# Define prompts for the model to generate responses.
prompts = [
"Give me a comprehensive summary of this audio file.",
"Please provide a detailed and comprehensive summary of this audio file, including key points, themes, and insights."


import os
import google.generativeai as genai

# Configure the API key for the model.

# Define the model to use for generating responses.
model = genai.GenerativeModel("models/gemini-1.5-flash")

# Upload the sample audio file to the model.
sample_audio = genai.upload_file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "audio.m4a"))

# Generate responses for each prompt.
for prompt in prompts:
response = model.generate_content([prompt, sample_audio])


# The following are the outputs generated by model.generate_content().text for each prompt in the prompts list.
generated_responses = [
The audio is a recording of a live session about releasing anxiety and fear. The speaker starts by welcoming listeners to the session and then explains that they will be focusing on releasing anxiety. She then discusses how important it is to accept and understand emotions in order to release them.

The speaker emphasizes the prevalence of anxiety in today's world and suggests that it is often caused by resistance to what is happening. She encourages listeners to assess their own energy levels and identify any tension they may be holding onto.

The session then delves into the concept of "releasing anxiety," which involves recognizing and acknowledging the emotion, and ultimately letting it go. The speaker
explains that this process can be empowering, as it allows us to take ownership of our emotions and move forward with greater freedom and clarity.

The speaker also touches upon the role of our past in shaping our present anxieties. She highlights how anxieties can be passed down through generations, and encourages listeners to acknowledge and release those inherited patterns.

The final part of the session involves a guided visualization exercise. The speaker guides listeners to imagine releasing their anxieties through a metaphorical process of letting go. This visualization is designed to help listeners experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

The speaker ends by encouraging listeners to practice the techniques they have learned, and to remember that they have the power to create a more peaceful and fulfilling life for themselves.

The audio file is a recording of a live session on "releasing anxiety". The speaker, Anna, guides the listeners through a process of recognizing and releasing anxiety, both from their immediate experiences and from generational patterns.

**Key Points**

* **Anxiety is common:** The speaker acknowledges that anxiety is widespread, particularly in today's world. She emphasizes that everyone experiences it to some degree.
* **Understanding is key:** Anna explains that understanding anxiety is crucial for accepting and releasing it. This understanding comes from a mental level, allowing for acceptance, which then paves the way for release.
* **High energy levels:** She suggests that a high level of energy may sometimes mask anxiety, making it harder to recognize. She encourages listeners to assess their energy levels and their feelings of tension.
* **Acknowledge and accept:** Acknowledging and accepting anxiety is a vital first step toward release. By acknowledging it, we begin the process of facing it rather than avoiding it.
* **Don't resist:** Resisting anxiety only amplifies it. Instead, Anna encourages listeners to confront their anxieties with courage and acceptance.
* **Generational patterns:** She highlights the possibility of inherited anxieties from our ancestors, explaining that these can be deeply rooted in our being.
* **Releasing the burden:** The speaker guides the listeners to release the burden of anxiety by visualizing the process of letting go.
* **Focus on the present:** Anna stresses the importance of staying present and not dwelling on the past or future. She suggests focusing on the present moment to cultivate inner peace.
* **Take control:** She empowers the listeners to take control of their minds and emotions by making conscious choices and decisions.
* **Release and re-enter:** The session involves visualization techniques to release anxiety from different aspects of life, including the fear of loss and the fear of the unknown.
* **The power of acceptance:** Anna emphasizes that acceptance is not passivity but rather a powerful force that allows us to move forward. It enables us to acknowledge our emotions and actively work with them, rather than being consumed by them.
* **Transformation:** By acknowledging and accepting anxieties, we embark on a journey of transformation and create a more peaceful and empowered life.


* **Understanding and Acceptance:** The audio emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting anxiety as a necessary step toward its release.
* **Present Moment:** Staying grounded in the present moment is emphasized as a key to managing anxiety and releasing its hold.
* **Generational Legacy:** The speaker acknowledges the impact of inherited anxieties and empowers listeners to break free from those patterns.
* **Courage and Empowerment:** The session emphasizes the power of courage and self-empowerment to face and release anxieties.


* **Anxiety is not a weakness:** Anna challenges the notion that anxiety is a weakness, reminding listeners that it is a natural human emotion that can be managed with understanding and courage.
* **We are capable of change:** The session provides a framework for releasing anxiety, offering hope and empowerment that lasting change is possible.
* **The power of visualization:** Visualization techniques can be a potent tool for managing anxiety and releasing its hold.
* **We have the power to choose:** We are not simply at the mercy of our anxieties. We have the power to make conscious choices and decisions that lead us towards greater peace and well-being.

Overall, the audio file offers a compassionate and practical approach to understanding and releasing anxiety. It encourages listeners to confront their anxieties with courage and acceptance, enabling them to create a more peaceful and empowered life.


#sztucznainteligencja #ai #python #gemini #youtube
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@Z151: whisper znam i używałem, ale uruchomiony na pc żre za dużo prądu krótko mówiąc. Do wyciągania transkrypcji najlepszy jest darmowy https://revoldiv.com/ - korzysta z whispera od openai.

Harpa.ai też znam, ale jeżeli nie ma transkrypcji to nic nie zrobisz: "It looks as if the video has no text transcript, or I could not fetch it from the page."

Fajnie mieć swój własny programik z ui który z listy linków
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@raneli: gdzies tam ma na collabie wlasnie taki co robi transkrypcje + podsumowanie i co tam zechcesz z dowolnego linka. Ja tam sporo rzeczy cisne u siebie lokalnie, mam rtx 3060 12gb i mi takie whispery i stable diffusion działają na lajcie
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@raneli: @Z151 kojarzycie w temacie whispera, czy da sie go jakos ogarnac promptem, zeby nie zwracal nonsensu typu "bye", "thanks for watching", "please subscribe my video", w momencie gdy podamy mu audio z samym szumem albo cichym dzwiekiem? Domyslam sie, ze wytrenowali to na youtube i maja bugi. Probowalem promptem i nieco pomoglo w redukcji smieci jakie wypluwa, ale sa przypadki, ze jednak nie chce wspolpracowac
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