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@wojteks102: there is the premine address http://explorer.fckbanks.org/address/FWPTbxT4Je8kYBTKcrn1ksMJaK3XUkFqUc

And here is the list AND ALL THE TRANSACTION IDS ON WHERE IT HAS GONE SO FAR https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnX4oiTBH4-2dERIWnhvRGV3TGtHU2Y2Ty1BdVVqY0E#gid=0

next time you guys want to accuse dev team on something or cry about things, confront us on irc channel we have instead of blaming us on polish channel nor Bitcointalk, cause if you want to see coin listed on exchanges,crying there just ruins that possibility.
@Lombaqe: Thanks for the premine address ,everything seems to be ok. About pumping: dude I didn't pumped this coin(price) on any exchange so it's not my fault. Now i think we are starting to do succesive pump. Maybe we are so nervous because somebody dumped 1 satoshi buy wall (~1.3BTC). But stay cool.