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@Avil: How to Restore Your Files
Security Alert!!!
We hacked your company successfully
All files have been stolen and encrypted by us
If you want to restore files or avoid file leaks, please send 2.058169 bitcoins to the wallet 1PbSE6Hs54FrFBeqPzc517PEZScNMcvYri
If money is received, encryption key will be available on TOX_ID: D6C324719AD0AA50A54E4F8DED8E8220D8698DD67B218B5429466C40E7F72657C015D86C7E4A
Send money within 3 days, otherwise we will expose some data and raise the price
Don't try to
Dear customer,

ESXi servers running versions 7.0u3i and lower are currently being targeted by adversaries in order to deploy ransomware.

We have identified that your dedicated server ******* has been installed with esxi65_64 and could be impacted by these attacks. The email is sending to you in order to give you few recommandations to help you reduce your exposure to these attacks.

These attacks are detected worldwide and in Europe. According to