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Pamiętacie prawackie brednie, że jak gdzieś na zachodzie mówią, albo piszą w dokumentach ogólne "rodzic" zamiast matka i ojciec, to znaczy, że złe lewactwo zakazuje mówienia "mama" i "tata"?
Zgadnijcie, o co wniosło Ordo Iuris w jednej ze spraw w Europejskim Trybunale Praw Człowieka?
Żeby matkę adopcyjną nazywać rodzicem. Bo chodzi o lesbijki.

37.  The third-party intervener Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture submitted that a distinction had to be made between the right to legal recognition of an existing relationship between an adoptive parent and a child on the one hand, and the adoptive parent’s right to be called the child’s mother or father on the other hand. A person might be recognised as the child’s parent and enjoy the same parental rights as the child’s biological parent, but that person did not need to be formally designated as “mother” or “father”. In other words, although Article 8 of the Convention granted a right to legal recognition of an existing stable relationship between a child and the biological parent’s partner, it did not guarantee the particular designation of his or her status, that is, recognition under domestic law not only as a “parent” but also as a “mother” or “father”. The third-party intervener further referred to the wide margin of appreciation in determining the form in which the legal status of a parent was to be given.


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