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Co tam się dzieje w tym Waszyngtonie 4/10

Na wczorajszym marszu szurów (prawdopodobnie sponsorowanym przez Rosję) w Waszyngtonie,
przemawiał mój ulubiony weterynarz od maści końskiej na covid ()

Dr. Robert Malone says the science is settled and the vaccines aren’t working and they’re not completely safe. If every man, Woman, and child was vaccinated we still would not reach heard immunity.

Dr. Robert Malone says if nothing else it is our job to nurture and protect our children. If they are harmed by this vaccine it is your fault.

Dr. Robert Malone tells parents it is ultimately your responsibility to protect your children. If they are harmed by these genetic vaccines you are the one that will have to take care of them.

Dr. Robert Malone says no state governor, health official, or TV doctor will be there to help you with your child if the vaccine affects them. You and your family will be carrying the burden.

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