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Call of Duty Wokeguard

Posting this again, because my first negative review with many "helpful points" got deleted, but even censorship won't save this travesty of a game. So let's begin (for the second time).

Not even 30 minutes in and we have teachings about racism and „male egos“. The game is set in an alternate history setting just to have an excuse to promote writers/studio's/whichever's agenda. That's the truth. You can believe whatever you want, but this here is the truth.

You have a “powerful female character” who in first mission climbs wagons like she’s Ezio Auditore da Firenze. She will often imitate Spider-man or better say Spider-woman by climbing via bricks. Then you have a “powerful black character” who gives orders to his fellow masters and imperialists Britons (fun fact: black british soldiers were payed less than their white counterparts and let alone that they gave orders to ones). Of course he becomes the main man of the team. After all we are still blackwashing. While in cutscenes you’ll often hear latent remarks on racism and “men bad”.
They even introduced (via video) operators which include an ex-Japanese soldier fightning against the Japanese (?), a Japanese-American fightning against the Japanese (poor Japanese), some “powerful black females”, and of course a lesbian (I don’t know if it really is one, but she has short hair – enough for me). I forgot – there is another “powerful female character” from India fighting on the side of the British Empire against the Imperialism by killing Germans. Not one continent missed. Nice. Thumbs up.
I could go on and on but I will stop. As if this wasn’t enough of a reason for a refund, you have historical innacuracies that have no connections with game’s alternate history setting. One example are Sturmgewehers 44 (STG44) in 1942’s Stalingrad. The number “44” in Strumgewehr’s name means that it was introduced to general use in 1944 and the battle of Stalingrad took place from 1942 to 1943.
So to end this excellence of a review I’m just gonna say - please, save your money, if you want to play a real World War II game not riddled with modern day identity politics go buy Hell Let Loose and leave this historical relativisation to rot like the trash it is.

#callofduty #woke #clownworld
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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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Call of Duty Wokeguard

Piszę to jeszcze raz, bo moja pierwsza negatywna recenzja z wieloma "pomocnymi punktami" została usunięta, ale nawet cenzura nie uratuje tej parodii gry. A więc zaczynajmy (po raz drugi).

Nie minęło nawet 30 minut, a już mamy nauki o rasizmie i "męskim ego". Gra jest osadzona w alternatywnym otoczeniu historycznym tylko po to, aby mieć pretekst do promowania agendy pisarzy/studia/kogokolwiek. Taka jest prawda. Możesz wierzyć w co
@Ponc3k dosłownie te same odczucia miałem grając w tę grę. Ciężko się ogląda na siłę zmienione realia jakie były w czasie WWII. Ja osobiście gram w Multi, i to też tylko dwoma operatorami. Reszta operatorów kompletnie nie pasuje.