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linkedin przeprasza R.W. Malone za nieuzasadnione zablokowanie konta na podstawie decyzji niekompetentnego pracownika.
Członek kierownictwa portalu (który wolał pozostać anonimowy) wystosował przeprosiny.

Ban dotyczył m.in. tej wypowiedzi:

Once again I feel it necessary to make a clear and unambiguous statement. The data strongly indicate that the experimental genetic vaccines, including the mRNA and recombinant adenoviral vaccines, have saved lives. Many lives.

But it is also increasingly clear that there are some risks associated with these vaccines. Various governments have attempted to deny that this is the case. But they are wrong. Vaccination-associated coagulation is a risk. Cardiotoxicity is a risk. Those are proven, and discussed in official USG communications, as well as communications from a variety of other governments.

Based on what I have seen, I believe that other toxicity risks will become more apparent. These include menstrual irregularities, development of thrombocytopenia, cerebrovascular effects, and reactivation of latent viruses such as clinical shingles.

But we do not know how prevalent these are, and the spectrum of severity is unknown and possibly unknowable because the V-Safe database is not being shared outside of CDC, the VAERS systems is deeply flawed, and we just do not have the comprehensive safety data necessary to accurately evaluate risk/benefit for the various cohorts - elderly, healthy normal adults, immunocompromised, pregnancy, adolescents, children, and infants. Particularly the long term safety data necessary to evaluate risks such as autoimmune complications that may manifest months or years post-vaccination. That is just a #sciencefact.

@Moderacja wykop woli jednak podejmować swoje decyzję na podstawie zgłoszeń osób linkujących pracę, które tych prac nie rozumieją (zarówno na poziomie merytorycznym, jak i na poziomie prostego języka angielskiego) - @precz_z_komunia

#nauka #koronawirus #szczepienia #cenzura #szczepionki #moderacja #wykop
fukinloner - linkedin przeprasza R.W. Malone za nieuzasadnione zablokowanie konta na ...

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