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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

prolix - rozwlekły [formal disapproving; using too many words and therefore boring or difficult to read or listen to]
The author's prolix style has done nothing to encourage sales of the book.
to decry - potępiać [formal; to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary]
Lawyers decried the imprisonment of several journalists.
conifer - drzewo iglaste
A mixed forest of deciduous and conifer trees formed a dense covering of mottled greens.
profiteer - spekulant, geszefciarz [disapproving; a person who takes advantage of a situation in which other people are suffering to make a profit, often by selling goods that are difficult to get at a high price]
Humanitarian aid such as cans of oil were resold by war profiteers.
glib - wygadany, gładki [(of speakers and speech) using words in an easy and smooth way but without much thought, and usually not sincere]
No one was convinced by his glib explanations.
eyesore - straszydło [an unpleasant or ugly sight in a public place]
They think the new library building is an eyesore.
to quiver - drżeć [to shake slightly, often because of strong emotion]
Lennie's bottom lip quivered and tears started in his eyes.
heartily - serdecznie [enthusiastically, energetically, and often loudly]
She laughed heartily at the joke.
demented - obłąkany, szalony [unable to think or act clearly because you are extremely worried, angry, or excited by something]
She was nearly demented with worry when her son didn't come home.
slug - łyk [informal; an amount of drink, especially strong alcoholic drink, that you can swallow at one time]
I had a slug of vodka to give me courage.
bonus - idiom
(a) crash course
If you do a crash course, you do an intensive training course in order to obtain quick results.
Before going to Tokyo, Paul did a crash course in Japanese.


Zapraszam do wytykania błędów, literówek, złych tłumaczeń, usterek, głupiego awatara itp.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

prolix ...

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