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1) Po zapisaniu się na jakiś kurs jest on na koncie dożywotnio czyli do czasu usunięcia Udemy.com
2) Kupony mają ograniczenie czasowe i/lub ilościowe. Dotyczy to również "kursów darmowych bez kuponów" - w dowolnym momencie kursy te mogą stać się płatne. Chcesz mieć jakiś kurs, to zapisuj się jak najszybciej. Smęty typu "a teraz jest płatne" ignoruję. Widocznie byłeś/byłaś za wolny/wolna.
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Kursy darmowe z kuponami (-100%):

How to Install Ubuntu Linux on a Virtual Machine
Excel charts: Converting Data into Impactful Charts
Excel Masterclass: Complete and Concise Microsoft Excel
Unlimited Motivation Mindset Course
Double your Memory in 6 Weeks
The Complete Adobe Premiere Pro Masterclass
Adobe Dimension CC: Create Awesome 3D Models
Learn To Code Trading Card Game Battle System With Unity 3D
Learn Spanish Language in just 7 hours
Microsoft Excel : Get All You Need To Know And Do!
The Complete Unity Indie Game Developer Course
Eat Lite! Eat Right with Linda
The Complete Adobe Premiere Pro Masterclass
Ayurveda for Mindful Living-Food for Deep Meditation
Graphical User Interfaces in Python ( Python GUI ) with PyQt
Android Q App Development with Kotlin: Beginner to Advanced
C++ Working with Files - fstream I/O library


CISM Information Security Governance Practice Test
Google Analytics Certification Exam - Practice Q&A and Tests

Kursy darmowe bez kuponów:

Social Skills: The Right Way (Social Skills Set)
An introduction to Quantum Energy Healing Techniques
How to Design a Logo using Canva
Advanced SAR Training
Ultimate Photography Composition Masterclass
Jupyter Notebook Server with AWS EC2 and AWS VPC
Agile with Scrum - Learn Fast!
MasterLSAT: Master the LSAT
Digital Marketing For Realtors
Process for Emotional & Perceptual Alchemy
Best practices in Customer support
Secrets To Making A Living With Your YouTube Videos
Create Your First FPS Survival Game With Unity Game Engine
How To Make An App For Beginners (iOS/Swift - 2019)
1000+ English phrases Most used in everyday conversation!
Music Theory Classes
Ringba's Pay Per Call Masterclass
Cyber Criminals Want Your Information: Stop Them Cold!
Starter Guide to OOP JavaScript Objects
Creating a Tab Interaction in Articulate Storyline 360
Advance Hive Zero to Expert in Big Data Analytics
How To Lose Weight With A Busy Lifestyle
Create Your First FPS Survival Game With Unity Game Engine
Mastering Kotlin: a Fast Guide to Null Safety (in 30 min)
Advanced Android: Create a Real-REST API Client Application
Articulate Storyline 2 eLearning Game Design
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