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Pełny raport: http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/65776main_noaa_np_mishap.pdf

The NASA Mishap Board investigating damage to the NOAA-N-Prime satellite has released its final report.

On September 6, 2003, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) N-Prime satellite fell to the Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company factory floor in Sunnyvale, Calif. Technicians were working on the spacecraft, when the accident happened. The spacecraft suffered significant damage.

The Board, chaired by the NASA Deputy Associate Administrator of the Science Mission Directorate, had representatives from NASA research centers and the Air Force Space Command, as well as advisors from NOAA and the Federal Aviation Administration.

The full report is here.

From "Final Launch in NOAA Series" in Aviation Week & Space Technology, 26 January 09:

After it suffered significant damage when it tipped over on the factory floor in September 2003, the contractor used fees earned on the NOAA spacecraft it previously built to cover the cost of repairs.

Fortunately, since NOAA-N Prime was the last in the series, there were backup instruments and components available, so the contractor required “only a few” new components to fill in gaps, said NASA’s Wayne McIntyre, program manager for the Polar-orbiting Environmental Satellite, during a briefing on Jan. 22.
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@factorys: Aż strach pytać ile lasów zostało wyciętych, aby sporządzić raport i sprawdzić uszkodzenia wymieniając jednocześnie części lub je naprawiając. W tak zbiurokratyzowanym molochu jak NASA papierkowej roboty musiało być od groma ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)