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Start rakiety Delta IV Medium+(5,2) wraz z satelitą NROL-45
10 lutego 2016 12:39
»»» #startujacerakiety «««

Launch site: SLC-6, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
A United Launch Alliance Delta 4 rocket will launch a classified payload for the National Reconnaissance Office, the U.S. government agency that develops and owns spy satellites. The rocket will fly in the Medium+ (5,2) configuration with two solid rocket boosters. Delayed from April 15, June 6, Sept. 15 and Dec. 9.

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blamedrop - Start rakiety Delta IV Medium+(5,2) wraz z satelitą NROL-45
10 lutego 20...

źródło: comment_hAP9PFO5lr9rVco4b2SHRPhdmj43Sskw.jpg

  • 9
@krawat: @anoysath: @dymek91: Poszukałem i to jest "by design" :D To pali/spala się wodór. @

The flames (and resulting blackened insulation) is normal for this vehicle, as described in a 2005 Aviation Week article:

The Delta IV is the only launch vehicle that, by design, sets itself on fire during its ignition sequence.

Thousands of pounds of hydrogen are dumped through the vehicle's three RS-68 engines to condition their
blamedrop - @krawat: @anoysath: @dymek91: Poszukałem i to jest "by design" :D To pali...

źródło: comment_18YWnj0GnktcbXUTq2CCVPQW8sobHBNJ.jpg
