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#stonoga #pasta
Good evening. Something happened ... something went wrong and I was not heard, then I'll say again. KPI Centipede election result is a failure, I think it's Polish, stupid whore society, the whore bunch of imbeciles who voted on these fuckers Roaches from PiS whore is some... misunderstanding. If so mean to you ... if you so much for you to say, people such social engagement, like mine where I put my family, my private life, business, everything else, and for you only meant fucking 70 or 80 thousand votes, that you should be fucked fuck, so should you be fucked, as you can be fucked by PiS. The platform hasn't fucked you as much, as you will be fucked by PiS whore. Until your Kukle whore will be itched in pain. It is a drama whore. This is a drama that, in this anti-human state, including the State in which the media whore were not able to say that Zbigniew centipede desecrated, that this man has 118 acquittals, that the court whores! I repeat judicial whores! Court fuck the man accused falsely, and years later exculpated that this is not something worth that to this man to enter parliament. You will be fucked in the ass by Law and Justice, PiS will you whore fuck like you weren't fucked by platform. This whore, this little cockroach, Kaczynski trash will destroy you. Sumlińskie, Cana, RACHONI, satellite republic will deprive you whore whore taste of life you idiots. National, Polish idiots. I have it in pussy whore because I stand on everything. I'll whore live like that! I'll chuck away today, I bought a ticket from the Polish and I will be with you laughing gulls Polish whore that you are so stupid they are, those whore idiots who chose the PiS bitches. Not Corvinus, not centipede, only some whores Petru Jews in the ass fucking whore, on Kukizów shithead voted. That is the whore Poland. By such a whore Poland by you whore hiding anything in this country will not change because you are worthy and you fuck you fuck, to fuck and you earn because you are a bunch of losers National fuckers. Do you understand that? And you, dear they which have voted for me they which have assisted the me, thank you. Because a handful of Poles, a handful of Poles, today it is 70 thousand people, maybe 80. (Turn off the phone because I'll turn it off for good) Yeah, yeah, that's what this whore whore gives Poland. To tell you the snout, finally, you silly pricks that you are primitives that fucking whore your credit card, it is your majesty, your dignity. Robot corporate whore and a card with a debit, then you whore Poles fuck with you. It was not worth whore, not worth it to do nothing ... that would be ... a shame whore talk, I wish to shred snout really. May you ... Listen. Those they which have stupid whores voted for the PiS let you damn, fuck you're worth, anti-Poles are. Good night. What is a whore pedal? What did you want to say? Well. Okay, for now, I get the fuck out. Whore, I wish there were 9 criminal cases, the school was a whore disclose the phone hacking scandal. Polish stupid, stupid whore Polacks, was sent to Auschwitz only bring whore, stoves turn. Too bad whore was you whatever you stupid pricks you.
Videleck - #stonoga #pasta 
Good evening. Something happened ... something went wron...

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Dobrý večer. Niečo sa... Niečo sa poruchalo a nebolo ma počuť, tak zopakujem toto ešte raz. Volebný výsledok KWW Stonogy je nejaká porážka, ja si myslím že to poľské, kurva blbé spoločenstvo, tento kurva kŕdeľ debilov ktorý volil tie kurvy trpaslíky z PiS to je kurva nedorozumenie. Ak toľko pre vás znamená... Ak toľko pre vás znamená ľude taká spoločenská angažovanosť, ako moja, kde som vsadil celou svoju rodinu, môj súkromí život,
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Buenas tardes. Algo se... Algo se estropeó y no se me oía pues repitiré: el resultado electoral de KWW Ciempiés es alguna derrota. Yo creo que esta puta tonta sociedad polaca, esta puta banda de imbéciles que hace votado por estas puras cucarachas de PiS es algún puto malentendido. Si tanto os importa... Si tanto os importa tanta implicación social como la mía, donde puse mi familia mi vida privada, negocio, todo
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