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NASA będzie testowała "spodek kosmiczny" dziś o 19! ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)
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LDSD Mars Landing Technology Flight Test
Watch live as our Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator takes to the skies over Kauai, Hawaii, in its second flight test. Via cameras aboard the test vehicle, media and public can watch live on NASA TV and http://ustream.tv/NASAJPL2 as the rocket-propelled craft attains velocity four times the speed of sound, inflates and deploys the world's largest parachute. This technology may someday help land humans on Mars.

Więcej informacji: http://www.nasa.gov/ldsd

Z Wikipedii:

The Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator or LDSD is a reentry vehicle designed to create atmospheric drag in order to decelerate during entry through a planet's atmosphere. It is essentially a disc-shaped vehicle containing an inflatable, doughnut-shaped balloon around the outside. The use of this type of system may allow an increase in the payload.

It is intended to be used to help a spacecraft decelerate before landing on Mars. This is done by inflating the balloon around the vehicle to increase the surface area and create atmospheric drag. After sufficient deceleration, a parachute on a long tether deploys to further slow the vehicle.

The vehicle is being developed and tested by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Mark Adler is the project manager.

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