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Stage 1 – Before the TOTY release
Prices start to fall more severely as from the third week of December.
Stage 2 – TOTY release day (12th of January 2015, Monday)
Cards get cheaper.
Stage 3 – Second day of TOTY (13th of January 2015, Tuesday)
Prices slightly rise because the market is saturated with defenders.
Stage 4 – Third and fourth days of TOTY (14th and 15th of January 2015, Wednesday and Thursday)
Prices rise even more because there are only 3 TOTY players available in packs instead of 5 and because everyone is waiting for the most valuable cards to come out: the attackers.
Stage 5 – Fifth and sixth days of TOTY (16th and 17th of January 2015, Friday and Saturday)
Prices fall with the release of the most wanted cards: the attackers.
Stage 6 – Seventh day of TOTY (18th of January 2015, Sunday)
Cards get even cheaper since now all TOTY cards are available in packs (to be confirmed).
Stage 7 – The week after TOTY
Prices go back to rising progressively until the end of the next week. They don’t hit values as high as the ones on stage 1 but aren’t as low as any of the other stages.

#fut #fifa15 #straganbrajleya
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@xDawidMx: 8 wpisów w tagu #fut w 2 godziny, bijesz rekordy ziomek. Rozumiem że starasz się pomóc itd. ale weź zbierz te tipy i zrób jeden wpis z 5 tipami a nie 5 wpisów z jednym w każdym.