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#fedora #linux

Widzę, że popularność Fedory spada jak Titanic na dno...


frankly I'm not sure which mailing list I should write this to, but I

guess the marking one is the best fit.

I was really surprised (in the negative way) by the Fedora stats [1].

Repository connections in the first week dropped by 52 percent compared

to F17 and F17 was already low compared to releases before. F18 has

pretty bad reception, but such a huge drop is hard to believe.

The number of direct downloads is down by 7 percent.

Are these numbers still comparable or the way they're calculated has

changed? If not, it's a pretty bad trend.

The difference in drops between direct downloads and repository

connections is also interesting. It seems like a lot of users downloaded

F18, but never installed it, and connected to repositories which pretty

much correlates with my observation at linux portals, forums, mailing

lists. I've seen so many comments of users who said they didn't have

balls to install F18 on their hard drives with other systems and stayed

with F17 or switched to another distro.


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Statistics
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